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Tuesday 16 April 2013

Still Can't Get Over It

A Woman dies and her grave is danced upon by all and sundry

People of the centre left, neoconservative and/or neoliberal to whatever degree, but in all truth and honesty labeled as progressive, are by definition compassionate and kindly so would never dream of this no matter what her perceived biases, sins or achievements.

Would someone please explain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh that's right. Events such as this alter the general state of apathy ennui and innertia in the facebook twitosphere. 

Something to say other that "I'm washing my dog......isn't he cute" amongst other world shaking revelations.


At the time, from a sterile vantage on the opposite side of the world, Little of Maggie's shenanigans were perceivable except in the realm of foreign policy. A defining characteristic of regimes of this ilk is their single-minded dismantling of secondary manufacturing economic systems, with the intent of stimulating in a proactive manner their evolutionary transformation to the tertiary state of economic being ( this logic string implies the existence of a quaterrnary economic state whose characteristics are not really predicable from a point inside a tertiary system) characterised by  the dominance of service industries. To this end, policies are created or adopted which, either directly or indirectly eliminate manufacturing firms from the economy.

There is only one exception to this wholesale elimination and that is those factories and firms whose sole function is to develop and produce weapons.

Which brings us back to Maggie Mae's foreign policy.The Harrier Jump Jet had been developed for deployment on the British Navy and at the time of the Falklands War was at the prototype-further-testing-required phase.

What a great idea. In stead of taking it out to an empty place, firing it up and observing what it can do, let's take it down south and smack some Argentinians around, in the process stirring up such a furor of patriotic, nationalistic neocolonial  sentiment that I am forced back into the highest office in the land (much to my feigned ambivalence) by a landslide vote of truly seismic dimensions, for a further five year term as the savior of the Falklands Colony, and the hero of the Falklands War. Everybody wants to be a national hero in their heart of hearts, and here was a godgiven way of achieving this outcome without getting shot or shot at

Maggie must have thought that all her Christmases had come at once.           

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