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Thursday 26 May 2016

Campaign Update May 2016

When I can be bothered with the utter inanity, not to mention the manipulative bias, of the mainstream media I can't help but notice a few things. So it came about this week with both leaders toying with this lovely little "spendometer" quote Bill came up with earlier in the week and Mr Originality Silvertail Turnbull tossed around all over the place.

Especially during an election you have to stay focused and keep your eye out for "the old smokescreen trick" whereby one or other of the contenders makes a big noise about something of little consequence so that the voters attention is drawn there and you can sneak one in on them while their attention is blinded. This spendometer circus has many hallmarks of the old smokescreen trick. Allow me to explain.

"Jobs and Growth" is a plank common to both ALP and LNP election platforms. It is a fact of life provable by any source of evidence you choose, that you don't create jobs without spending money, you do not grow the output of the economy without spending money, you do not improve anything without spending money. So all this bickering, name-calling and kerfuffle about spendometers and great big taxes, and tax-and-spend policies is just a smokescreen. So let's clear the air a bit and blow the smoke away.

This election is not about whether or not the money should be spent. If you want jobs and growth you must spend the money. This election is about who will make the decisions about where this money is allocated. Will it be through rational researched decisions by a democratically elected government under universal suffrage and compulsory voting, or will it be through blind faith in the goodwill and wisdom of the 1% financial elite with no rational conscious input from anyone else (an elite who are proven tax-cheats via the Panama papers) via massive tax cuts to big business and the most-wealthy segment of society.  

The Liberal/National Coalition has little relevance in fact. They are a throwback to the Liberal party of England in the second half of the 19th century. The worldview of Benjamin Disraeli and Palmerston. Their approach is laissez-faire trickle down innaction summed up by: "cut taxes to the wealthy, so the poor have to pay for everything so that they are reduced to such a state of retched desperation that they are too busy trying to keep body and soul together to rise up, an do nothing else which would interfere with the market making all your decisions for you." Their tendency is to do nothing. Their promises were all proven to be nonsense last election as they were reneged upon the minute they gained power.

So in reality, this election represents the final scramble for ownership of the last remaining scarce economic resources remaining in this country within the ranks of the 0.1% wealth bracket. Between the TPP and ChiFTA the present government has devided our country up and arranged for it to be sold piecemeal to the countries on the Pacific rim especially China, and their tax cuts for the wealthiest free up the capital to make these purchases. Treasonous whelps like Gina Rhinehardt exploit the 457 visa scheme to import slave-wage-labour in preference to hiring Australian Nationals.

This election is a battle between Big business, represented by the LNP, and Australian Society, represented by every other party, but with the ALP as the only other party capable of forming government.

Finally I would like to put the final nail in the coffin of this absurd myth about the LNP being better managers of the economy than the ALP. I draw your attention to the cold hard facts accumulated by Stephen Koukoulas,
Managing Director of Market Economics, a macroeconomic advisory firm. Advisor to Dun & Bradstreet. Research Fellow Per Capita. This government has driven the economy into a deep dark hole from which it may take us a long time to recover. Every economic signpost indicator has gone backward in a big way since the LNP came to power. Policies followed by this government almost the  precise opposite effect they say it will. It's the "We will create jobs by closing down the car-making industry" absurdity. Everything they say is tainted in this way.

We seek that rare personality of unlimited value which is incorruptible to the core; who will laugh in the face of a million dollar bribe and toss the briber physically back out into the slimy gutter they emerged from.

A person of rusted-on integrity and charisma, who feels what is right like having a sixth sense.

A true leader to take us out of our LNP-Imposed NEOLIBERAL NIGHTMARE into the shining light of the Keysian Capitalist Utopia.

Is Tony Windsor such a leader? He does have the integrity, tested under the hellfire of the Gillard Hung Parliament. What of the other traits mentioned above.

Is Bill Shorten such a leader. He shows promise but is somewhat of an unknown quantity as he has not been tested.