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Tuesday 7 June 2016

Dirty Tactics But What Do You Expect

Bronwyn Lay

An enjoyable read.

It is like I have said. LNP are classic neoliberal laissez-faire, meaning they like to sit on their hands and let the market take care of everything because the market can do no wrong in their eyes. As such they actually have little relevance. Both parties know that you don't get 'jobs and growth' from an economy without spending money. This election is about who makes the decisions about where to spend the money. LNP policy is to give this decision making function over to the board rooms of big business with their continuing tax cuts for the big end of town. ALP policy is for government to do it's job and spend this money where it is most effective. Rarely has there been a clearer distinction between the effects of our votes.

Jobs and growth will be generated by the construction of and transition to a sustainable economy. The rest of the world, even a rusted-on carbon producer like Shell Oil, recognise this and allocate resources accordingly. The LNP response is to defund the CSIRO and accelerate Coal and CSG production. Whole new industries will need to be created from the ground up involving masses of jobs and sustained growth.

I like the authors' turn of phrase; never heard the term 'Fordist' before but it conveys the meaning intended efficiently, but she sort of misses the significance the w-word. We still have four weeks to go. The LNP played the race card two weeks ago, through Dutton if you recall, something they usually don't do till the last week of elections. Now they drag out the emotive 'war'-word in a roll of the dice in the power game they see politics as. This pathetic little trick is common to conservative strategy and has been used frequently in the past two centuries. You pull out an emotive word like war and apply it to an issue, or in this case, the policies of your opponents. This frightens the voters because war is a frightening threatening thing. You then portray yourself as the only one with policies which will save the poor frightened voter from this emergency situation. Hysterical, yes, but designed to incite hysteria in the voters so that they won't change governments. Hopefully everyone is on to this trick now and it doesn't work but if people just vote the way they've always voted without thinking, the LNP will get back in and if that happens the damage to our society will be irreparable. Four weeks to go and they've already made two of their characteristic strategic plays. Surely a sign of panic.

I hope I am wrong but I think we may have to write the Great Barrier Reef off as a victim of global warming. A laughable attempt was made to put a price on saving it was announced last week with no mention of global warming. As if the bleaching is not being caused by global warming at all but by firtiliser/coal dust run off from the land. We've been an international laughing stock since 2013 so no one takes us seriously. This article highlights this point well. I like to talk about my cringe meter going off scale and my crystal ball blowing a head gasket but that's just a turn of phrase. The state of things is being understated in the mainstream media to avoid panic I fear and when it all hits the fan there will be turmoil.

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