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Monday 23 November 2015

Never Use the words

Ben Saul

"The terrorist attack on Paris raises some hard legal questions. Is it an international crime? Is it an armed attack giving France a right of military self-defence in Syria? Is it lawful for France to declare a state of emergency that suspends basic rights? Are new laws needed to counter terrorism?"

It has now been a week since all this happened. The above is only one of the commentators and little more needs to be said. Of course it is only a strange coincidence that French municipal elections are imminent and the ruling socialists are on the nose - or rather were on the nose until this happened.  I would not imply otherwise and every one and their dog is jumping in with comment, as one would, so I guess I must also, although outrage and publicity plays straight into the hands of terror. As Waleed Aly said this week: 'this is what they want. they have told us this'

How does such a staunchly progressive, left of centre, highly intelligent commentator reconcile his ideological stripes with his main gig with the same people who think it is OK to spread such drivel as the Bolt Report around, thus lending the hue of legitimacy to such absurdity? It allows the Ten Network to at least pretend to be unbiased and well balanced I suppose. His video should be compulsory viewing for everyone.
Now let us all take a deep breath and approach all this calmly, before we fall into the hole prepared for us by these sniveling little wimps. Waleed is correct. The Paris attack is the weak response of a mob of childish bullies throwing a tantrum on an adult scale, with grown-up weapons. They are being hammered on their own soil, losing ground and dying, so they lash out in the only way they know - with ignorant, childish violence, against unsuspecting innocents. The media serves them by creating a mythical image of scary terror but beneath the surface they have every characteristic of a deranged child: weak, sniveling, unable to communicate except by jumping up and down screaming. The media is all about image. Always seek the essence of the image. Use your innate sense of perception to look below the superficial expression of this image.

So let's talk about image and reality and perception and the incorrect use of language to create perception, hence image, hence reality. This all reminds me of the truth reflected in Robin Williams' rhetorical question: "'Reality??' 'What's that??'"

Every time we use a word we build a reality by creating an image in someone else's mind. Each word has a precise definition. One way of defining a word is by describing the characteristics of the thing it is representing. When the words take on characteristics different from those exhibited by the things they represent, a new reality is being created, and when this is done deliberately, everyone should be on guard. But I don't expect you to take this verbiage at face value, so let us now apply it to the topic at hand.

In particular we must apply this to the terms Islamic and State, as used by this barbaric mob of childish lunatics in reference to themselves: Islamic meaning descriptive of nouns exhibiting precisely the defining beliefs of Islam as defined in their Holy Book; and State meaning "a ​country or ​itsgovernment"

Nowhere in the Koran does it say that it is OK to murder innocents. These subhumans do this and therefore cannot be labeled Islamic. The fact that they call themselves Islamic is incorrect usage. By doing so they are attempting to legitimise themselves and justify their actions. There is nothing Islamic about them and the media, by allowing them to use it, aids them in their evil.

The term state would give them the the aura of a government which makes and enforces laws modifying the behaviour of those they control. They have never made any law. By their own admission their laws are already written in their Holy Book, so by their own logic they cannot be legitimately called a state either. By attempting to apply this to themselves they are pretending to be a state. In truth they are not.

The Islamophobic clashes occurring at this very moment are proof of the efficacy of the process described above.

So would everyone please follow my lead and never use the terms Islamic and State to describe these criminals and their behaviour.       


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