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Saturday 18 May 2013

The Aroma of Pork

"Fraser Nelson, writing for the Spectator in June 2006, quoted a senior Conservative policy maker who said the game plan was to create a "Cameronian aroma" which was "vastly more important than any specific policies the party would advocate."

Nelson wrote: "The task (according to the policy maker) is to create an aroma around the Conservatives so people naturally imagine our policies are the right ones without necessarily knowing what they are. It is about turning the intangibility of Mr Cameron into an asset.

"If this sounds naïve, then we must ask why the opinion polls suggest that the Tories' non-existent health and education policies are already more popular than Labour’s (all too real) measures in this area.…to team Cameron it shows that the leader’s aroma is successfully wafting through the country and that voters are inhaling it with the whetted appetite of Bisto kids."

Analogies between David Cameron in Britain and Tony Abbott in Australia, presented by Barrie Cassidy are hopefully contradicted by the superior intellectual capacity of the Australian electorate

Policies are already in place and functioning correctly to achieve everything that Abbott aspires to. So why change government?

I smell the aroma of pork.  

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